If you are a single parent and have difficulties raising your child, you can borrow or receive money (Updated on Oct.15)
1. Single parent with low income can borrow money.
Who can borrow?
A person who is raising a child younger than 20 years old on their own or a woman without a husband who has raised children younger than 20 years old in the past, etc.
For more information, please contact Seikatsu-fukushi-ka.
It takes more than a month from the time you apply until you can borrow the money.
Please consult with us before applying (an appointment is required).
For Inquiries
Seikatsu-fukushi-ka 電話: 042-325-0111
2. Parents with low incomes can borrow money to help their children take the (entrance)exam (and for studies at cram school).
Who can borrow?
Parents raising a third-year junior high school student or a third-year high school student with low income.
When can I borrow?
When your child has to study at a cram school or take an exam to go to high school or university
No interest payment required.
If your child goes to high school or university, you do not have to repay the money you borrowed.
Please consult with us before applying (appointment required).
For more information, please contact the City Council of Social Welfare.
For Inquiries:
Kokubunji City Council of Social Welfare (located inside the Welfare Center)
(042)324-8311(9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday)
3. Single parent-family support. Single parent can receive subsidies for studies to get a new job.
Who can apply?
A person who is raising a child alone, and wish to get correspondence education or to attend a school for getting to get a job.
Please submit an application before you begin or apply for study program
Please contact Seikatsu-fukushi-ka for any inquiries.
Please consult with us at Sikatsu fukushi-ka before applying. (appointment required.).
For more information please contact Seikatsu-fukushi-ka 電話: 042-325-0111
4. If you are going to take a curriculum to study for go for study for “Japanese high-school equivalency examination”, you can receive subsidies.
*Japanese high-school equivalency examination: this is a test to certify those who couldn’t graduate from high school that they have scholastic ability equivalent or greater than high school education.
Who can apply?
(1) those who are raising a chilid/children alone.
(2) those who are being raised by a single parent either a father or a mother.
Please contact Seikatsu-fukushi-ka for any inquiries.
When can I receive?
The payment will be done when you start participating in the curriculum.
Please contact Seikatsu-fukushi-ka for any inquiries.
Please consult with us at Seikatsu-fukushi-ka before applying. (appointment required.).
For Inquiries:
Seikatsu-fukushi-ka 042-325-0111
市民生活部 人権平和課 人権平和担当
電話番号:042-312-8693 ファクス番号:042-325-1380