A Partnership System for Sexual Minorities Enacted


ページ番号 1024733  更新日  令和3年1月26日

A Partnership System for Sexual Minorities Enacted

Under the partnership system, Kokubunji City will issue a Partnership Oath Certificate and a Kokubunji Partnership Oath Certificate Card to couples that one or both partners are a sexual minority and has submitted a Partnership Oath to the city.

This system aims to let everyone, regardless of their gender, to be respected as an individual and choose a diversified way of living.

All the below are required to be eligible couples:

・Both of a couple are either 20 or over 20 years old at the time of submitting the oath.

・Both of a couple have an address in the city or one of them has an address in the city and the other is planning to move in the city within 3 months

・Neither of a couple has a spouse

・Neither of a couple is in a relationship of partnership with a third person

・The relationship of a couple is not a marriage between relatives or lineal relatives forbidden by the civil law

For further details of the procedure, necessary documents, etc., please visit the city’s website.


What are sexual minorities?

 L: lesbian (a woman who is sexually attracted to other women)

 G: gay (a man who is sexually attracted to other men)

 B: bisexual (a person who is sexually attracted to more than one gender)

 T: transgender (a person whose sense of gender identity does not match his/her biological sex or who wishes that)

 Q: questioning (a person whose gender identity/sexual preference is unclear)

Sexuality is diverse and so there are some people who are not categorized in any of the above.

Inquiries: Jinken Heiwa ka  TEL 042-573-4378


市民生活部 人権平和課 人権平和担当
電話番号:042-312-8693 ファクス番号:042-325-1380