Medical Certificate for Children
Medical Certificate for Children
(Payment is cheaper when your child goes to the hospital)
If you have the Medical Certificate for Children (below), when your child goes to the hospital, your payment will be up to 200 yen per visit. (Treatments and medicines that are not covered by health insurance will be at your own expense. )
The city will pay the rest of the money.
If you do not have the Medical Certificate for Children, you can apply to get one. (No need to apply if you already have the Medical Certificate for Children)
The people who can fit all the following conditions can apply.
(1) Parents/Guardians who have children from 4th grade in elementary school to junior high school students.
(2)The parents/guardian’s income is less than the table below
* Income: In this situation income refers to the amount of revenue minus necessary expenses.
For details, please see the Kokubunji City website or ask Kodomo-kosodate-service-ka.
For Inquiries
Kodomo-kosodate-service-ka Tel 042-325-0111(ext. 384)
市民生活部 人権平和課 人権平和担当
電話番号:042-312-8693 ファクス番号:042-325-1380