You can get certificates at a convenience store or Citizen’s Service Corner
Shimin-ka of Kokubunji City Hall is very crowded in March and April because many people move.
It is quicker to get a copy of your certificates such as residence certificate and seal registration certificate at a convenience store or Citizen’s Service Corner.
To get them at a convenience store, you need your Individual Number Card (My Number Card).
Move-in/move-out procedures cannot be completed at a convenience store or Citizen’s Service Corner. Please go to Shimin-ka of Kokubunji City Hall.
For details, please see the website below or ask at Shimin-ka of Kokubunji City Hall.
For inquiries : Shimin-ka TEL:042-325-0111(Ext.311)
市民生活部 人権平和課 人権平和担当
電話番号:042-312-8693 ファクス番号:042-325-1380