Residents who are exempt from inhabitant tax can receive 70,000 Yen per household (Please complete the procedure by April 30, 2024.)


ページ番号 1030601  更新日  令和6年4月22日

To receive this benefit (money), you need to go through a procedure.

If you received the blue envelope below, please send the confirmation form (application form) to the City Hall.

The deadline for the procedure is Tuesday, 30 April 2024.

Residents who are exempt from inhabitant tax can receive 70,000 Yen per household 【Additional benefits】

(Household: a family living together in the same house)


The price of things has gone up, so additional benefits will be paid to households with low incomes.


Who can receive?

#1. A household who has lived in Kokubunji City since before January 1, 2023, and all of their inhabitant taxes are exempt.

 All of them should have resident registration in Kokubunji City as of December 1, 2023.

 A letter in the envelope below will be delivered to eligible households around the end of January 2024.


#2. A household who has moved to Kokubunji City on or after January 2, 2023, and all of their inhabitant taxes are exempt.

 All of them should have resident registration in Kokubunji City as of December 1, 2023.

 (That includes a household in which one of them has moved in on or after January 2, 2023.)

  Since the letter won’t be delivered, an application is required.


How to receive the benefit for the household #1.

1. Please complete the confirmation letter in the envelope with the following information. (Please also see the first green arrow below and confirm BOX 1 and BOX 2.)

  • Name of head of household
  • Date of confirmation (date when you write this letter)





2. Enclose the letter mentioned above in the return envelope below and send it by postal mail.

 (The return envelope is enclosed in the envelope you received.)


3. The benefit will be transferred to your bank in four weeks.


Attention: Please return the confirmation letter by April 30, 2024 (Tue.)

 You will only get the benefit if you return the letter.

 Only the household which has sent the confirmation letter will get the benefit.


How to receive the benefit for the household #2.

You can download the application form from the city website below.

The deadline of application: April 30, 2024(Tue.)

If you have any questions, please call the number below. (The Call Center for Temporary Special Benefit in Kokubunji City)


Where to ask how to receive the benefit

The Call Center for Temporary Special Benefit in Kokubunji City (Only in Japanese)

TEL: 042-325-0263 (Mon. - Fri. 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM)

The Call Center is also open on February 3 (Sat.)


For further information, please visit the website of Kokubunji City. (In Japanese)


 Click on the fisrt link below to visit the website.


Website in English(Machine translation)

[70,000 yen benefit] About additional benefits of household support benefits exempt from residence tax due to soaring prices

 Click on the second one below to visit the website.


市民生活部 人権平和課 人権平和担当
電話番号:042-573-4378 ファクス番号:042-573-4388