Information from Kokubunji City
ページ番号 1024045
- Please use the gift certificates sent by the city by February 28.
- You can receive a free injection of HPV vaccine until March 31, 2026
- Kokubunji City Hall will be Moved
- Garbage disposal days during the New Year holidays (late December to early January)
- The new City Hall will have a "Kakanai-Madoguchi" (no writing counter)
- Signs (Help Mark/Card) for People Who Need Help
- Recruiting Residents for Tokyo Metropolitan Housing
- You can view the City’s website in foreign languages
- Kokubunji city will send a gift certificate for 3,000 yen per person
- Cost of influenza vaccination for children is subsidized
- Costs of Covid-19 and influenza vaccinations for the elderly are subsidized
- Get prepared to stay at home in case of an earthquake or a typhoon
- To get the HPV vaccination free of charge, please get your first shot by September.
- Expansion of Child Allowance
- “Kyuushoku”(= School lunch)will cost 0 yen
- Places for Babies and Parents (Oyako Hiroba)
- cocobunji Service Corner is open on the 1st and the 3rd Sundays
- Let’s prepare for typhoons and heavy rain!
- From June, the Way of Disposing of Recyclable Plastic Waste Will Change
- Residents who are exempt from inhabitant tax can receive 70,000 Yen per household (Please complete the procedure by April 30, 2024.)
- You have to withdraw from National Health Insurance if you have joined the social insurance of your company/employer
- Subsidy for those who stay at Hotels and Ryokans in Sado City and Iiyama City
- Free medical examinations such as a cancer screening
- Let`s use electricity and gas wisely!
- To Parents of Children of Foreign Nationalities
- “Kodomo-Hyakutoban-no-Ie” is a place where children can escape
- You can get certificates at a convenience store or Citizen’s Service Corner
- Play Station has cafes for parents, children, and junior high and high school students.
- Children can have work experience at a candy store
- Children can play happily in the parks together with grown-ups.(Kokubunji Aozora Hiroba)
- Parents and Children can play happily in the parks(Kokubunji Aozora Hiroba)
- Medical Certificate for Children
- Kokubunji City supplies sanitary napkins for those in financial difficulties
- Consultation for LGBTQ residents will start in June,2021
- It is necessary to make a reservation when you receive your Individual Number Card (My Number Card) at the City Hall.
- You can check how crowded the Shimin-ka counter is on the Internet
- To parents of children who will enroll in municipal elementary & junior high
- Bicycle parking near Kokubunji Station North Exit
- A Partnership System for Sexual Minorities Enacted
- Holiday Urgent Medical Care
- If you are a single parent and have difficulties raising your child, you can borrow or receive money (Updated on Oct.15)