Holiday Urgent Medical Care


ページ番号 1024602  更新日  令和3年12月22日

Holiday Urgent Medical Care

Medical treatment is limited to emergency patients. The Doctor visit to patients is not available.

In addition, each medical institution will not be able to provide location guidance over the phone due to emergency patients.

Please check the "List of Medical Institutions" in the Living Guide or the city website.

If you have been prescibed a medicine, please contact the medical institution for information of the prescribing pharmacy.

Please bring your health insurance card,  elderly healthcare system insurance card, etc.

If the medical institution does not deal with pediatrics, you may not be able to get medical treatment for your child.

Automatic Voice Guidance  (042) 322-7700



To prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection, if you have any of the following symptoms, please contact the medical institution by phone in advance.

  • Cold symptoms such as fever and cough.
  •  Strong dullness/fatigue and/or short of breath.


Contact: Kenko-suishin-ka tel: (042)321-1801

Pediatric emergency (24 hours)

Tokyo Metropolitan Children's Medical Center

2-8-29 Musashidai, Fuchu City

 (042) 300-5111

Availabele 24 hours. Please contact in case of emergency illness or injury.

Tokyo Medical Institution Information Service "Himawari"

(03) 5272-0303

fax (03) 5285-8080 (for hearing impaired people only)

Kokubunji Fire Station (042) 323-0119

Tokyo Fire Department Emergency Consultation Center # 7119 or (042) 521-2323

Tokyo Children's Medical Guide (in Japanese)


市民生活部 人権平和課 人権平和担当
電話番号:042-312-8693 ファクス番号:042-325-1380