Free medical examinations such as a cancer screening


ページ番号 1032024  更新日  令和6年3月5日

Free medical examinations such as a cancer screening

You can take a cancer screening or/and a medical checkup free of charge. Please apply if you want to take the examinations/checkups listed below:

  1. Youth medical checkup (aged 25 to 29)
  2. Thirties medical checkup (aged 30 to 39)
  3. Stomach cancer screening (aged 40 and over 40)
  4. Colorectal cancer screening (aged 40 and over 40)
  5. Lung cancer screening (aged 40 and over 40)
  6. Uterine cancer screening (female aged 20 and over 20, once every 2 years)
  7. Breast cancer screening (female aged 40 and over 40, once every 2 years)
  8. Tuberculosis screening (aged 18 and over 18)
  9. Hepatitis virus screening (aged 40 and over 40, only once)

Various medical examinations apart from the above are available.


Eligibility: Those who have a resident registration in Kokubunji City at the time of taking the examination/checkup.


Please visit the city’s website for details (Japanese). You can check out available medical examinations.

English (Machine translation)

 * Please visit each website above and click the examination you want.


How to apply: On the examination page that you want take, execute “apply electronically” (on-line application).


Or, come to the office below for the application:

 Izumi Plaza Kenko-suishin-ka (10-minute walk from JR Nishi Kokubunji station)

 Address: 〒185-0024 Izumicho 2-3-8


Inquiries: Kenko-suishin-ka Tel: 042-321-1801


市民生活部 人権平和課 人権平和担当
電話番号:042-312-8693 ファクス番号:042-325-1380