Children can have work experience at a candy store
Children can have work experience at a candy store
Play Station is a place where people can do various play.
Children can have work experience at the candy store in Play Station.
Children get “Pure” that is a kind of money after having work experience.
“Pure” can be used only in Play Station.
Anyone is welcome.
Place: Play Station
Open hours: 11:30 AM~4:30 PM
Closed on: Mon, 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sun, December 28-January 4 and national holidays
If you want to know about the place and the details of Play Station, please check the link below.
Inquiries: Bouken-asobiba-no-kai Tel: 042-323-8550
市民生活部 人権平和課 人権平和担当
電話番号:042-312-8693 ファクス番号:042-325-1380