Play Station has cafes for parents, children, and junior high and high school students.


ページ番号 1027899  更新日  令和4年4月19日

Play Station has cafes for parents, children, and junior high and high school students.

Play Station is a place where people can do various play.

Play Station has two types of cafes as below:


Cafe “Donicchi” for fathers, mothers, and children

Fathers and mothers can get relaxed with their children at “Donicchi.”

Visitors can drink and eat sweets.

Anyone is welcome.

Open on Sat and Sun

 (Note)Closed on 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sun December 28- January 4 and national holidays

Open hours: 11 AM~4 PM

 (Note)Last order for drinks: 3:30 PM


Cafe “Yugure-cafe” for junior high and high school students

Yugure-cafe is for junior high and high school students to get relaxed and make friends. 

Open on Tue-Fri

 (Note)Closed on December 28-January 4 and national holidays

Open hours: 5:30PM~8 PM

Eligible people: junior high and high school students

If you want to know about the place and the details of Play Station, please check the link below:


Inquiries: Bouken-asobiba-no-kai Tel: 042-323-8550


市民生活部 人権平和課 人権平和担当
電話番号:042-573-4378 ファクス番号:042-573-4388